Experience in Police-Led Program Models (007)
Study Information
In response to alarming rates of opioid use disorder (OUD) and opioid overdose-related deaths across the US, police departments nationwide have partnered with The Police Assisted Addiction Recovery Initiative (PAARI) to design and implement non-arrest substance use programs and initiatives. The first PAARI program, the Gloucester ANGEL program, began in Massachusetts and other communities have adapted the model to address their local needs. The programs are designed to facilitate access to treatment services rather than taking the approach of arresting substance users.
This supplement examined program models across five different communities in Massachusetts, as well as experiences of individuals involved in the programs, including program participants and the police officers and service providers who are responsible for program implementation. In-person focus groups and group interviews were conducted with police officers and service providers. The study also conducted individual telephone interviews with program participants and their family members approximately three months after program participation. Findings from this work will inform activities and program development among participating sites and other interested communities.
Study Settings: Law Enforcement
Study Team
PI: Mari-Lynn Drainoni
Accelerator Supplement