CLA and JCOIN Course: Implementing Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) in Correctional Settings
Welcome to JTEC's Course on Implementing MAT in Correctional Settings!
As correctional leaders continue to grapple with an increasing number of individuals in custody with opioid use disorder, they also must tackle the complexities of providing medications for addiction treatment (MAT) and coordinating continuity of care during reentry.
This course was developed by JCOIN and the Correctional Leaders Association (CLA) to help educate individuals working in the field of corrections on the latest research and innovations around improving access to substance use disorder services, including MAT, behavioral health interventions, and establishing linkages to community-based support services to mitigate risk during reentry. The course takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete, and features practitioners in the fields of corrections and addiction, including Director Anne Precythe, Missouri DOC; Dr. Peter Friedmann, Chief Research Officer, Baystate Medical Center; Secretary John Wetzel, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, Commissioner Marcus Hicks, New Jersey Department of Corrections, and other leaders in the field.