Introduction to Fidelity Monitoring for Programs Offered to Justice-Involved Individuals
In this first course of the fidelity monitoring and research to practice feedback series, we're going to provide an introduction to fidelity monitoring for programs that are offered to justice involved individuals. We will focus on the basics and foundational knowledge that any researcher or practitioner needs to understand in order to engage in fidelity monitoring.
For those who were taking the entire seven course series, you will need to pass each course posttest in order to receive a certificate of fidelity adherence.

Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.35 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 1.5 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)