LEAP Learner | Rapid Cycle Testing
Welcome to Rapid Cycle Testing for Change Teams!
In this course, you’ll learn about the NIATx Model of Process Improvement and the Rapid-Cycle Testing approach to systems change. Topics include:
- An overview of the NIATx model, its theoretical foundation, and the steps for conducting a NIATx change project.
- A skills introduction to rapid-cycle testing, how-to instructions using PDSA cycles and the change team structure.
- A “skills in practice” look at rapid-cycle testing via a change project conducted by a juvenile probation department.
About The Author
Todd’s research specialty is implementation science, which studies methods to promote the use and uptake of evidence-based practices into routine practice. Todd helped to develop and refine the NIATx model of process improvement and has directed several multi-state studies focused on organizational and systems change. He has also guided hundreds of change teams on the effective use of NIATx tools and techniques. Todd developed this eLearning course with assistance from Lead Producer – Scott Gatzke; Contributors – Maureen Fitzgerald, Jeanne Pulvermacher, Mat Roosa, and Jessica Vechinski.

Book Citations
Gustafson, D. H., et al. "The NIATx model: Process improvement in behavioral health." Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison (2011).
NIATx Resource Links
Website: https://www.niatx.net/
Change Project Form Template: https://www.niatx.net/change-project-form/
Walk-through Instructions: https://www.niatx.net/walkthrough/
Nominal Group Technique Instructions: https://www.niatx.net/nominal-group-technique/
Flowchart Instructions: https://www.niatx.net/flowchart/
PDSA Cycle (Plan-Do-Study-Act) Instructions: https://www.niatx.net/pdsa/
10-Steps for Conducting Rapid-Cycle Changes: https://www.niatx.net/the-10-steps/
The Five NIATx Principles: https://www.niatx.net/the-5-principles/
Contact Info
Todd Molfenter, PhD