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Learning Experiences to Advance Practice (LEAP)

Take one course, pick and choose courses to hone your skills, or take the 6-course series to receive a certificate of LEAP!

Learning Experiences to Advance Practice (LEAP) is a multifaceted program designed to educate any interested individual about the nuances of conducting research in criminal justice settings.

By educating key stakeholders about effective and ethical conduct of research with justice-involved populations, we hope to build capacity for this research, which is sorely needed.

LEAP will increase the speed with which science becomes practice in the criminal justice field. The program will offer research education, mentoring, and networking, and other resources that will benefit practitioners in the areas of justice, treatment, and health, as well as scientists, researchers, journalists, and community members.

For those people who complete all six courses, they'll receive a certificate of LEAP, similar to certificates provided for courses in university settings.

Browse All LEAP Courses

Justice Cultures Thumbnail
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 1.5 hour(s)

LEAP Courses

Justice Cultures Thumbnail
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 1.5 hour(s)
Mixed Methods Thumbnail
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 2 hour(s)
Rapid Cycle Testing Thumbnail 2
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 1.5 hour(s)
Missing Data Thumbnail 4
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 0.75 hour(s)
Difficulty level: Beginner/Basic
Completion time: 2.5 hour(s)