Results from the NORC’s AmeriSpeak Stigma Survey 1 on the General Public’s Views Towards Opioids (February 2020)

This presentation contains results from the MAARC’s first AmeriSpeak Brief Stigma Survey (JCOIN 026) done in February 2020. The presentation summarizes the general adult population’s knowledge, attitudes, and stigma towards opioid misuse, people with histories of opioid misuse, and policies related to opioid misuse. NORC conducted a cross-sectional national survey of the U.S. adult population, using AmeriSpeak’s® web, probability-based panel.

Study results (PDF)

Study Team

This study was developed by Bruce Taylor, Ph.D., Phoebe Lamuda, Elizabeth Flanagan, and Beth Watts, Ph.D. at the NORC at the University of Chicago as part of the Methodology and Advanced Analytics Resource Center (MAARC).

The Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN) is part of the NIH HEAL (Helping to End Addiction Long-termSM) Initiative, which supports a wide range of programs to develop new or improved prevention and treatment strategies for opioid addiction.


This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the NIH HEAL Initiative under award number U2CDA050098. The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH, the NIH HEAL Initiative, or the participating sites.

Recommended Citation

NORC (February 2020). The general public’s views towards opioids and core JCOIN items: An AmeriSpeak Omnibus General Population Survey 1. Chicago, IL: NORC.