Teleservices in Judicially Led Diversion Programs (048)
Study Information
J-RIG funding supports research into teleservice practices within Judicially Led Diversion Programs (JLDPs) since the pandemic. Judicially led diversion is an umbrella term that encompasses drug courts, opioid courts, and recovery-oriented compliance dockets. While these models differ in design, they share the common features of early intervention, supervision, consistent judicial oversight, and an emphasis on providing substance abuse treatment and recovery services. The proposed study will provide invaluable insight into how to sustain and scale teleservices within systems that serve justice-involved individuals, including courts, probation, and SUD treatment providers.
This project is being led by Tara Kunkel, Executive Director of Rulo Strategies, Brad Ray from Wayne State University, Center for Behavioral Health and Justice, and Kristina Bryant from the National Center for State Courts. This study represents the first large-scale examination of the teleservice experiences of diverse justice-system and behavioral health stakeholders as well as clients participating in JLDPs. Previous studies have examined the attitudes and beliefs of behavioral health care practitioners toward telehealth and examined organizational readiness to adopt telehealth or teleservices exclusively in behavioral health settings. Examining attitudes and beliefs at a system level, within the context of JLDPs, will contribute important information about the interplay between courts, probation, and SUD treatment providers when it comes to adopting and scaling the use of technology to serve justice-involved individuals.
Study Settings: Courts
Study Team
PI: Tara Kunkel

J-RIG Award, Telehealth